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Monday, October 13, 2008

The More I Learn About Obama. . .

The more I learn about Barack Obama, the less I like him. . . and I didn't much like him to begin with.

Why? Because he's an empty shirt. He's arrogant. His associations are, at the very least, highly questionable. He not only has no accomplishments worth putting on a presidential resumé, he expects people to worship and adore him.

I'm really quite scared three weeks or so before the election. The poll numbers don't look good for McCain and though I support him with every fiber of my being, he's got another debate to go through and he's just not a very good debater. Smart guy. Sticks to the talking points way too much in critical situations -- like a debate.

If he doesn't unload both barrels in the next debate, reload and keep firing, Obama is going to win this election in a cakewalk and we will have the most far-left government in the history of this country. And the public are so ignorant of the consequences of what that means that they are salivating at the thought of a bigger government, huge restrictions on free speech, and an increase in taxes on the very people who can save this economy -- small business owners.

We will be less safe from attacks on our nation because the safeguards we put in place will be destroyed. We'll give enemy combatants rights they don't deserve. And we'll simply be more complacent, less vigilant than we are now.

The latest accusation about Barack Obama is that not only was he "palling around" with Bill Ayers, there is some interesting, though inconclusive, evidence that shows a very strong likelihood that Ayers actually ghostwrote Dreams From My Father.

Is this allegation true? I don't know. The accusation doesn't seem to come from left. . . or, right. . . field. If the investigation's methodology is valid, I think it's worth a second look. I've made no decision so far.

Taken as a whole, the life of Barack Hussein Obama -- yeah, yeah, I know it's politically incorrect to use his middle name -- is not that remarkable. I know several people who exceed his accomplishments and for whom I'd much rather cast a ballot.

I really hope you'll think twice about what grave consequences await this nation if we elect Obama president. John McCain is a man of integrity and grit and even though I may disagree with him on some issues, he's not likely to send this country down the drain.

Obama would only lead the leftward lurch into oblivion for the USA. Don't let that happen. Vote for John McCain on Nov. 4th.

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