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Friday, April 18, 2008

Smell the Coffee

None of the remaining candidates for president (of either party) were on my short list. That, of course, is totally irrelevant; we have to play the hand we're dealt.

That said, I'd rather pluck out my own eyes than vote for a Democrat for president (or any other office) in this or any other election cycle. Why? Well, it's not like I haven't done it before. McGovern in '72. Carter in '76. (God in Heaven, forgive me!) Dukakis in '88. But that's all I could take. Bill Clinton made me puke. Still does, come to think of it. And so does his "wife," Hillary Rodham. Barack Hussein Obama? You've gotta be kidding me! Mr. FeelGood? Not likely. He wouldn't know an issue if it struck him in the face.

Here's my point: If I can come to my senses and decide that the Democrat Party has the worst of all possible solutions for this country, so can you.

If I were in charge, I'd be pointing out that the Dems are taking this country down the wrong road. . . toward a socialist, nanny state that weakens individuals and makes politicians and government more powerful. Is that what you want? A government that takes care of you from cradle to grave? Pffft! How 'bout growing a pair and standing up for your rights as an individual?

In my world, the first thing I'd do is grab the American electorate by the collar and slap 'em across the chops and scream, "Wake up, fool!"

This country still has the potential to be as great as -- even greater than -- it's ever been. But not if Americans fall asleep at the wheel and elect a Democrat.

Between now and Election Day, expect to listen to me screaming quite a bit.
